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Convention de Partenariat Bpifrance et EuraTechnologies
Published by Maxime | September 27, 2023Bpifrance et EuraTechnologies, incubateur de startups à Lille, signent une Convention de Partenariat pour renforcer leur collaboration sur la Deeptech
Investment Committee
Published by Maxime | September 12, 2023EuraTechnologies organizes the third edition of its Investment Committee.
Mobil’in - Showroom des Startups de la Mobilité
Published by Maxime | September 11, 2023Découvrez les 36 startups et solutions innovantes de la mobilité urbaine et durable de demain à EuraTechnologies
Rabot Dutilleul and EuraTechnologies join forces to create a scale-up dedicated to eco-construction
Published by Maxime | August 24, 2023#Hackathon #Startup #Partenariat #Cofondateurs
Published by Maxime | August 24, 2023Rabot Dutilleul, one of France's leading independent construction groups, and EuraTechnologies are launching a competition on September 27 to select the co-founders of a new start-up based on an eco-construction solution.
Finance Tomorrow, Modernizing the Finance function
Published by Maxime | July 24, 2023EuraTechnologies is teaming up with Pigment, one of the most powerful and flexible business planning platforms, for a breakfast conference dedicated to the Finance function on September 20, starting at 8:30 am.
Published by Maxime | July 21, 2023Sustainable mobility for all! The 1st federating event bringing together decision-makers and project developers to discuss the urban mobility of tomorrow.
Limburg Startup et EuraTechnonologies
Published by Maxime | July 20, 2023Two of the EU's Largest startup ecosystem join forces : Limburg startup and EuraTechnologies
Workshops: Digital Transformation & Cybersecurity
Published by Maxime | July 20, 2023Digital transformation? Cyber security? Practical workshops to help you take action! Sign up for workshops on September 05, 06, 07 and 14, 2023
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