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The '3 Days to Entrepreneurship' are back this summer! More info

Webinar | Presentation of Incubation and Acceleration Programs, Register

The '3 Days to Entrepreneurship' are back this summer! More info


To mark European Cyber Security Month, the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole is launching the 1st edition of its Campus Cyber Summit!
Bâtiment WENOV Tour D, Rue des Templiers, 59000, Lille France
October 19, 2023, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Published by Maxime
July 24, 2023
Supported by the European Metropolis of Lille and the Hauts-de-France Region, join the leading cyber event in the Hauts-de-France region. 

The program is divided into two parts:

  • A morning session aimed at business leaders from VSEs and SMEs, agents and elected representatives, and specifiers from the region's local authorities, with the ambition of raising awareness and arming the region with concrete solutions, and offering feedback on real-life applications. 
  • An afternoon dedicated to the region's CISOs, CIOs and cybersecurity experts, with the ambition of gathering around themes that respond to the region's economic specificities (industry, retail, logistics) and cross-sector challenges (AI, recruitment...).

A cocktail reception will be held at the end of the event until 8:00 pm.

Company directors, elected representatives, local authority officials, industry players, this event is for you!



09:30am-10:15am - SME/ETI/Communities: Certify for better protection?
We explain why and how.
For small and medium-sized organizations, digital security is often synonymous with financial costs, time and complex processes. But what if, on the contrary, certification was the way to be better prepared, better insured and therefore better protected in the face of cyberattacks? At this conference, we'll give you a sneak preview of the 10 recommendations in the white paper produced by the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole, designed to help SMEs/Technical Services/Communities raise their level of security and gain in competitiveness.

10:30am-11:15am - WORKSHOP 1: When the city stops...
March 1, 2023: the city of Lille, with its 230,000 inhabitants and 4,500 municipal employees, suffers a cyber attack. Long months follow, during which the city's services work in slow motion, some of them reverting to paper and pencil. A traumatic event for all concerned, with a heavy financial and organizational impact. This workshop will provide an opportunity to hear from 2 local authorities that have been victims of a cyber attack, and to see why it is important to prepare beforehand to better manage the crisis during and afterwards.

10:30am-11:15am - WORKSHOP 2: Why would I be attacked? I'm not a target.
Many small businesses think they'll never be attacked: "I'm too small", "I've got nothing to hide". A serious mistake! The figures show that small businesses are the most targeted because they are less protected than larger companies. With sometimes fatal consequences for their business. So rather than suffer, we need to act. Solutions exist, but they don't have to cost the earth. The aim of this workshop is to :
- Take stock of the threat to VSEs/SMEs
- Decipher the sometimes obscure vocabulary of cyber security
- Provide concrete solutions

10:30am-12:15pm - Cybersecurity awareness workshop
Come and take part in a 1.30-hour cybersecurity awareness workshop. It's an opportunity to learn more about the main threats to small businesses and local authorities, to understand the risks involved (financial, industrial, image, etc.) and to decipher the sometimes obscure vocabulary of cyber security. You'll leave with a list of simple measures to implement to ensure a first level of security, and contacts of organizations to contact in the event of an attack.

11:30am-12:15pm - WORKSHOP 3: You loved RGPD, you're going to love NIS 2!
In less than a year, the new European NIS 2 directive will come into force. Several thousand companies (including SMEs), local authorities and administrations will be affected. They will be obliged to protect themselves more effectively against the cyber threat, on pain of heavy penalties. It's time to understand what NIS 2 is, who is affected, how much it will cost and how to prepare.

11:30am-12:15pm - WORKSHOP 4: Cyber insurance: is it really worthwhile?
Today's SMEs are reluctant to take out insurance against cyber risks. Insurers, for their part, have done little or nothing to dissuade potential customers by significantly increasing their rates and over-selecting files. But the situation is changing, particularly under pressure from public authorities? This workshop will provide a practical overview of cyber insurance coverage and pricing, and the keys to successful contractualization with your insurer/broker.



Digital security: regional players at the forefront of innovation.
Hauts-de-France: land of Cyber? Certainly, when you consider the nuggets the region has spawned. Entrepreneurial adventures that are also synonymous with innovation in a sector where you need to outpace the attackers. At this conference, a wide range of players will discuss the importance of innovation in cybersecurity and technological developments in the short and medium term.

15:00-15:45 - WORKSHOP 1 Industry: When IT and OT come together (at last!)
For a long time, the world of industry and cybersecurity ignored each other. This situation is changing, as all production activities are now digitalized and need to be protected. And with its many industrial centers, the Hauts-de-France region is at the forefront of the transformations these companies are undergoing. In this workshop, we'll be bringing together automation specialists (OT) and IT security specialists (RSSI) from regional industrial companies, to understand their mutual constraints and see how they can and should work together.

3:00 - 3:45 pm - WORKSHOP 2 - Cybersecurity: Where are the men, but above all, where are the women?
The figures are in: in France, there are over 10,000 cybersecurity jobs to be filled. And women account for just 10% of the sector's workforce. This is not a new phenomenon, but nothing seems to be changing the statistics. Despite the diversity of jobs on offer and the attractive salaries, the cyber sector is not attracting enough (or any) women. This situation represents a real danger for private and public organizations, which are short of cyber experts. This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore concrete ways of quickly finding skills and attracting women to these professions of the future.

16:00-16:45 - WORKSHOP 3 - AI: Dangers and opportunities for CISOs
Today, many studies point to the potential danger of ChatGPT and MidJourney in the manufacture of "fakes". We know that cybercriminals are increasingly using AI in their attacks, while cybersecurity solutions are almost all AI-embedded. Against this backdrop, where do researchers stand? What role do they see for AI in cybersecurity? Risk and/or opportunity? This workshop will cross-reference the testimonies of researchers from regional laboratories, and attempt to provide clear answers to the concerns of digital security professionals.

4:00 - 4:45 pm - WORKSHOP 4 - Retail: storm warning for the supply chain
As the years go by, the supply chain remains one of the most sensitive areas for companies, as it is a vector for numerous attacks. While all business sectors can be affected, the retail sector is particularly concerned. In this workshop, we'll be talking to CISOs from the retail sector to find out what's at stake, what the weak points are, how to identify them and how to deal with them.

17h00-17h45 - CLOSING CONFERENCE hosted by Kevin Limonier
Lecturer in geography and Slavic studies at the Institut Français de Géopolitique (Université Paris 8) and deputy director of the GEODE laboratory, Kevin Limonier is one of the world's leading experts on the Russian-speaking Internet.

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